Software License Management

Software License Management

When your organisation purchases software, it enters into a license agreement with the licensor upon installation or first-time access.

There are many types of licensing models to suit a variety of needs. For example, a user license is an agreement that the software may be used by a specific person, machine-based licenses allow for installation on a specific device, etc.

Organisations have to be aware of how they use and deploy software in order to remain compliant with their licensing contract. However, this is easier said than done, as organizations now deploy multiple software solutions across departments, devices, distributed networks, and cloud.

To avoid the legal and financial risks that can come with violating licence agreements, organizations must have an active software license management program.

By outsourcing your software licensing, Everything IT will help you to save money, avoid costly mistakes and help ensure that you have the right software to meet your business needs.

We have a great deal of experience making sure our customers have the most effective software licensing for their particular needs. We can use that experience to help you, especially when it comes to cloud and hybrid software deployments.

Contact us to discuss how you can reduce your IT costs today.